Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Could I have been slipped something into my drink?

Ok, today I went to a pool party for my friends bachelorette party. There was only 4 of us girls there surrounded by a bunch of other people. We were drinking, but I only had 3-4 drinks in 4 hours, that I made myself...which has never made me feel like I did today. All I remember before had, was feeling like I wasn't drunk and just tipsy. Then I don't remember much after that. Apparently I was so messed up, my friends had my husband pick me up. My husband has told me about all these things I did that I don't remember at all!! I have never blacked out like this ever....and I have dranken a lot in my past. Anyways, so I was out of it for like 3-4 hours...and then I snapped back together and rejoined my friends. I know if I was roofied I would probably still be messed up as of now...My husband says I was awake the entire time though. I'm just so confused, I have just never blacked out and lost complete control of myself like that before after only so many drinks...I still feel tipsyish now. There was a creepy guy there that used to have a crush on me in high school, which came up and talked to me...which it was soon after that which I don't remember anything. Is there any kind of drug that could have been slipped into my drink that would give me an effect like this. Concerned...please help.

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